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Summary of DeepLabv3 paper



Key contributions

Atrous convolution in the current work

The two challenges in applying DCNNs for semantic segmentation are

Atrous convolution is also known as dilated convolutions. It allows repurposing ImageNet pretrained Networks to extract denser feature maps by removing the downsampling operations from the last few layers and upsampling the corresponding filter kernels, equivalent to inserting holes between filter weights. With atrous convolution, we can able to control the resolution at which feature responses are computed within DCNNs without requiring to learn extra parameters.

Atrous rate say r is defined as convolving the feature input with upsampled filters produced by inserting r - 1 zeros between two consecutive filter values. Standard convolution is a special case for rate r = 1. Employing larger value of atrous rate enlarges the model’s field-of-view, enabling object encoding at multiple scales.

Atrous convolution also allows to explicitly control how densely to compute feature responses in fully convolutional networks. Output stride is defined as the ratio of input image spatial resolution to final output resolution.

To handle objects at multiple scales in the semantic segmentation, authors considered four categories of architectures in this paper.


In this paper, authors mainly explored atrous convolution as a context module and tool for spatial pyramid pooling.


Authors experimented with the modules employing Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) method in cascade as well as in parallel. In experiments, the performance of the models was measured using Intersection Over Union (IOU). Based on validation set, the best model with ASPP attains the performance of 79.77%, better than the best model with cascaded atrous convolution modules (79.35%). Therefore ASPP was selected as final model for test set evaluation.

Method mIOU
DeepLabv3-JFT 86.9
DeepLabv3 85.7
DIS 86.8
IDW-CNN 86.3
PSPNet 85.4
ResNet-38_MS_COCO 84.9
Multipath-RefineNet 84.2
Large Kernel Matters 83.6
TuSimple 83.1
Deep Layer Cascade (LC) 82.7
SegModel 81.8
HikSeg_COCO 81.4
CentraleSupelec Deep G-CRF 80.2
DeepLabv2-CRF 79.7
LRR 4x ResNet-CRF 79.3
Adelaide VeryDeep FCN VOC 79.1

The above table represents the method used and corresponding PASCAL VOC 2012 test set performance. From this, it is evident that ‘DeepLabv3’ achieves a performance of 85.7% which outperformed the previous DeepLab versions. DeepLabv3-JFT model was built using ResNet-101 model which has been pretrained on both ImageNet and JFT-300M dataset. This resulted a performance of 86.9% and shows a improvement compared to previous state-of-art methods.