Summary of Densenet Paper


Key Contributions


The advantages of the denset are:


Increased in the depth of convolutional neural network caused a problem of vanishing information about the input or gradiant when passing through many layers. In order to solve this, authors introduced an architecture with simple connectivity pattern to ensure the maximum flow of information between layers both in forward computation as well as in backward gradiants computation. This network connects all layers in such a way each layer obtains additional inputs from all preceding layers and passes its own feature-maps to all subsequent layers.

The network comprises L layers. Each layer implements a non-linear transformation $H_l([x_0, x_1, …, x_{l-1}])$ where l indexes the layer. $H_l(.)$ can be a composite function of operations such as Batch normalization (BN), rectified linear unit (ReLU), pooling or convolution (Conv). Here $[x_0, x_1, …, x_{l-1}]$ refers to concatenation of the feature-maps produced in layers $0,…,l-1$.


The concatenation operation mentioned above is not vitable when the size of feature-maps are variable. As we know, the essential part of image recognition convolutional networks is down-sampling layers. To facilitate the down-sampling in the architecture, authors divided the entire architecture into multiple densely connected dense blocks. The layers between these dense blocks are transition layers which perform convolution and pooling.

DenseNet vs ResNet

Superficially, DenseNets are quite similar to ResNets. But the inputs format is different in two networks which lead to substantially different behaviours. The following table presents the differences between two networks.

Feature Densenet Resnet
Format of passing previous layer features to other layers by concatening by summation
No of inputs to $l^{th}$ layer $l$ $1$
Total no of connections in L-layer network $L(L+1)/2$ $L$
The way to address vanishing-gradient problem using dense connections using stochastic depth
Performance Improvement using power of deep architecture using power of feature reuse


Experiments are done on popular datasets like CIFAR-10 (C10), CIFAR-100 (C100), SVHN and Imagenet datasets. In C10+ and C100+ datasets, “+” indicates data augmentation. Error rates (%) on validation data are presented in the below table. The k parameter in DenseNet (k=<num>) below is growth rate, which means each composite function of a DenseNet produces k feature-maps.

Method Depth Params C10 C10+ C100 C100+ SVHN
ResNet 110 1.7M 13.63 6.41 44.74 27.22 2.01
ResNet + Stochiastic Depth 110 1.7M 11.66 5.23 37.80 24.58 1.75
ResNet + Stochiastic Depth 1202 10.2M - 4.91 - - -
ResNet (pre-activation) 164 1.7M 11.26 5.46 35.58 24.33 -
ResNet (pre-activation) 1001 10.2M 10.56 4.62 33.47 22.71 -
DenseNet (k=12) 40 1.0M 7.00 5.24 27.55 24.42 1.79
DenseNet (k=12) 100 7.0M 5.77 4.10 23.79 20.20 1.67
DenseNet (k=24) 100 27.2M 5.83 3.74 23.42 19.25 1.59
Densenet-BC (k=12) 100 0.8M 5.92 4.51 24.15 22.27 1.76
Densenet-BC (k=24) 250 15.3M 5.19 3.62 19.64 17.60 1.74
Densenet-BC (k=40) 190 25.6M - 3.46 - 17.18 -

Compression factor $(\theta)$ - If a denseblock generates m feature-maps, then the next transition layer outputs $\theta \times m$ feature-maps (where $\theta$ varies from 0 to 1). This compression factor is introduced to improve model compactness.

In the above experiments, Densenet and DenseNet-BC uses 3 dense blocks as shown in the above network diagram. Whereas for training on Imagenet dataset, DenseNet-BC uses four dense blocks.

Model top-1 top-5
DenseNet-BC-121 25.02 / 23.61 7.71 /6.66
DenseNet-BC-169 23.80 / 22.08 6.85 / 5.92
DenseNet-BC-201 22.58 / 21.46 6.34 / 5.54
DenseNet-BC-264 22.15 / 20.80 6.12 / 5.29

The above table shows top-1 and top-5 error rates on the Imagenet validation data set with a single-crop / 10-crop testing.